
What is self-image?

Self-image or body image is how we think and feel about ourselves physically, and how we believe others see us.

During adolescence and puberty, your brain and body go through huge changes. Your body releases hormones which make you more aware of how you look, and more aware of other people’s bodies. These changes happen to everyone, and can sometimes make you feel out of control or anxious.

What does poor self-image look like?

  • Thinking you are too fat or too skinny

  • Hating your body or appearance

  • Not getting enough likes on social media

  • Not being popular enough

  • Thinking you are ugly

  • Not looking athletic or muscular enough

  • Not being confident in your own skin

The impact poor self-image has on wellbeing

How to manage poor self-image thoughts

  • Be kind to yourself and try not to compare yourself to the many images you see online

  • Focus on the things you like about yourself

  • Spend time with people who make you feel positive about yourself

  • Think about the advice you'd give a friend if they were in your position and then remember that advice for yourself

  • Talk to someone you trust. This could be family, friends or even your GP

Social Media & Body Image

Since the prevalence of social media, the rise in body image issues amongst teenagers has risen dramatically. Trying to achieve the highest number of likes or editing a photo so that it looks more appealing to your followers are just some of the ways that body image issues arise.

Click on the button below to find out more about the impact social media has on body image and what steps can be taken to ensure you don't fall victim to the social media machine.

Coping with poor body image


The impact exercise has on mental and physical wellbeing is well documented. Exercising to battle your body image is a good way to make you feel better about yourself and gives you a sense of achievement in battling your ideas of self-deprecation.

It is important to note that over-exercising or exercising too much can be unhealthy so monitor how much exercise you do each day or week.

Create a jar of positive comments

It is very easy to find the flaws in our own bodies or looks and completely ignore the beauty within ourselves. Every time someone pays you a compliment then you can write this down and place it in your jar of positive comments. When you're having a bad day then you can take one of these comments out, read it and then remind yourself of how good you are! You can also make a list of all the positive things that YOU like about YOURSELF and place these in your jar.

Find your fashion

Feeling good about yourself involves both the mental and the physical side. Finding clothes or fashion that fits you better or ones that you feel more comfortable in is a great way to start to build a confidence within yourself. It is very easy to fall into the social media trap of buying things to appear well-off or to fit in, but break that norm and find something which suits you.

Know that you are enough

Every single body type is beautiful – society has convinced us that we have to be a certain size and look a certain way, which could not be further from the truth. You wouldn’t be unkind to others about their body so why should you be unkind to yourself? Your body is enough, and you are enough, always.