Coping with Depression

What can you do during a depressive episode?

Talk to someone

Although this may seem quite trivial, talking to someone when you're experiencing low moods can come as quite a relief. In the moment of depression you may have a circle of people who you can turn to for support. If you don't know who you think you can turn to then it may be worth having a think and write down the names and numbers of people who can offer you support.

If your depressive episodes are occuring frequently or are lasting for several days or weeks then you might find that talking to your GP or doctor would be a positive step to take. Acknowledging you are experiencing feelings of low mood is the first step in seeking and getting support.

Maintain a routine

When people feel down, they can get into poor sleep patterns, staying up late and sleeping during the day. Try to get up at your normal time and stick to your routine as much as possible.

Not having a routine can affect your eating. Try to carry on cooking and eating regular meals.

This can also be extended to keeping in touch with family and friends. It is very easy to lock yourself away from the world and suffer in silence. Giving yourself something to look forward to allows you to see people and then potentially open up to those around you.

Be active

During a depressive episode you might find that you lose all motivation to do anything and therefore you are not as physically active as you could be. You should be well aware of the benefits of physical activity and therefore it is important that you try and stay active, even during a depressive episode.

You might want to start gently and begin with a steady walk and then you can gradually build this up.

Have a go at these exercise challenges to kickstart your exercise routine. When you have completed one of the days you could also tick it off as completed, giving you a sense of achievement!

Face your fears

Don't avoid the things you find difficult. When people feel low or anxious, they sometimes avoid talking to other people. Some people can lose their confidence in going out, driving or travelling.

If this starts to happen, facing up to these situations will help them become easier. Look throughout this website at the various ways you can support yourself or others in facing up to their fears.

Self-Care Challenge