Wellbeing in the Community

What steps can you make to improve your own and others wellbeing?

Carry out a Random Act of Kindness

Carrying out random acts of kindness is not only beneficial for the person on the receiving end of the act of kindness, but also for the person doing the act of kindness.

Doing a random act of kindness in the community brings about many benefits. Not only are you supporting someone in your community but you bring about a 'feel good' factor, a sense of pride and respect.

You may think about completing a random act of kindness in the community by:

  • Smile at someone in the street just because it is a nice thing to do

  • Buy someone a drink or a snack

  • Donate to a food bank

  • Volunteer

  • Let someone go in front of you in the queue

  • Help someone before they ask

  • Compliment someone

At Outwood Academy Freeston we actively promote Random Acts of Kindness. If you complete an act of kindness then let the Academy know and you could be nominated for an award and your name placed upon our RAK tree.

Connect with people

In a world of social media and technology, it is very easy to forget the basic function of communicating with others in physical form.

The phrase "disconnect to connect" could not be more apt in today's society. It may feel like you have an addiction to your phone. When you're out and about in the community, look up. Experience the world around you and those that you pass daily. Smile at strangers, be friendly, engage in conversation. A few kind words could go a long way for someone battling their own challenges.

Connecting with people not only makes you and the other person feel better but it can also boost confidence and increase social skills as well. So put your phone down and experience the world around you!

Learn new skills

There are plenty of community groups and activities in which you can learn a new skill. It might be that you join the local boxing club, art club or drama group.

Whatever is available in your community, make the most of it! Learning a new skill gives you a focus and can distract your mind from worrying or anxious thoughts.

You can tie learning a new skill into goal setting. Set yourself a target to learn a new skill within a six-week period or set a longer target date. You never know, the skills you learn now could help and support you later down the line!


You're probably getting the idea by now that looking after the wellbeing of yourself and those in your community involves helping others, and what better way to help others than to volunteer.

You may decide to volunteer your time down at the local food bank, working in a local shop or helping your neighbours in some form. Whichever way you help and support your community by giving YOUR time will not only benefit them, but it will benefit you as well.

If volunteering is something that interests you then you can find more information about volunteering for Wakefield here.


When out in the community - show RESEPCT. Even though in the community you won't always be wearing your school uniform, you are still representing Outwood Academy Freeston, but not only that, you are representing yourself.

By following the values of empathy, sincerity, patience, equality, compassion and truthfulness, you become a well-rounded individual who can positively impact their community.

Think about what qualities you currently possess and the qualities you need to work towards in order to make you a more compassionate individual. This might include how you speak to others, including the language choices you use and the attitude you show towards others.