Wellbeing at School

What support is in place for you at school

We know that at school no two days are the same. School can be a really fun and positive experience at times and then other times it can be the most daunting thing to happen in the day. We want you to know that you have a range of support available to you for your more challenging days. Remember, it is okay to not be okay.

Your first point of call is...

Within school you have a number of people you can talk and effectively you are able to speak to any adult staff member about any concerns you have. We know that you don't always feel comfortable doing this so make sure it is someone that you can trust to support you in the best possible way. This will most likely be your Learning Manager as your first point of call and if it is subject specific concerns then it may also be your class teacher.

Your Learning Manager is available at breaks and lunchtimes in the dining hall and then before and after school either in the Learning Manager office or out on the gate. Your teachers are in the rooms you learn in and so there is always somebody available for you to speak to.

The Bridge/PLC

The Bridge and PLC are places that are available following any worries or concerns that you raise or are raised by others on your behalf. They offer a calm environment to regroup your thoughts and feelings and our supportive staff ensure that you are comfortable and can continue to work at a pace that is reflective of your current wellbeing. There is the opportunity to speak on a 1-2-1 basis and complete work around the thoughts and feelings that you are experiencing.

Wellbeing boards

There are three big wellbeing boards placed around school. These can be found in SID, in the holding area where you line up for assembly and along the Bridge and SEN corridor. The wellbeing boards contain the names and numbers of support services you can access for any of your struggles in or out of school. These support services have also been added to this website - can you spot which ones appear on the wellbeing board?

Some things to try in the classroom

Use your planner

Towards the back of your planner there are three pages of red, orange and green colour. It is perfectly normal in your lessons to not fully understand something first time round. It can be equally scary or uncomfortable to ask for help if it appears that you're the only one 'that doesn't get it'.

There is a subtle way you can ask for help if you don't understand something or you're struggling in class using these three pages in your planner. By showing the red or orange page of your planner and placing it on the desk, your teacher will know that you need some form of support in class. It could be that you're feeling anxious, worried or you simply don't understand the work. You don't have to raise your hand and draw attention to yourself, instead try placing your planner on the desk, showing either of these colours indicating how you're currently feeling.

Speak to your teacher

Although you may feel that you can't talk to your teacher, we're here to support you in the classroom! If you're having a bad day or you're feeling a certain level of anxiousness or worry then speaking to your classroom teacher may help ensure you have a better lesson.

If you experience anxiety in class then it may be worth asking to be sat near a window or door to alleviate any feelings of worry.

Coping strategies

When you're not in the right headspace then being in a classroom can be quite a daunting task. There are a number of coping strategies you can implement in the classroom to ensure that you manage your headspace safely and appropriately. You could:

  • Try counting to 10 in your head and align every breath you take in as you count to 10.

  • Think of five things you can see, four things you can touch, three things you can hear, two things you can smell and one thing you can taste. This is called grounding and can bring your heightened sense of worry back to normal.

  • Practice doodling on a blank piece of paper to bring your focus back to the room (make sure you do this at an appropriate time though!)

  • If you're tired/stressed then sip water intermittently to keep you hydrated and alert.

  • You may have a fidget toy (these are supplied to you) to keep you focused or you could ask for some blue-tac.

Other ways to maintain positive wellbeing

Attend extra-curricular activities

There are a range of extra-curricular activities to choose from at Outwood Academy Freeston. You will know by now the pivotal role physical activity has on your mental wellbeing. There are a whole host of phsyical activity enrichments you can attend to ensure you maintain positive wellbeing.

As well as this there are also art and performance based acitivites to choose from, all of which can positively affect your mental wellbeing.

You can make attending an extra-curricular activity part of your daily routine. Check out the student information board for further information on what is available on each day.

Talk to your HMG wellbeing champion

Each HMG elected a mental wellbeing champion who acts as your voice in the Academy with everything to support whole school and individual wellbeing. If you feel like you can, speak to your wellbeing champion who can then be the person who will listen to you or the person who can pass on your concerns. Your wellbeing champions have been briefed on how to support you and your peers in HMG and can be identified by the green ribbon mental health badge which can be seen on their Academy blazer.

Online support services through school

MWB Resource Site

If you're reading this then you're well on your way to making positive changes to look after your wellbeing! Continue through the site to see what resources you can use and what support is available.

OGAT Website

The Outwood Family also has a dedicated wellbeing site which can be found by clicking on the green button link on Outwood Academy Freeston's main wesbite. This will take you through to various support servcies.


If you are being bullied or want to report an issue you see in school then sign in to your Tootoot account and log your concerns. This is picked up by our Inclusion team who can follow up on your concerns.